DisappointmentI tend to get caught upIn how I think Things and people should be. I want things to be clean and simple. I prefer people that way too. When Locations Situations Interactions Start to get messy, I get uncomfortable. I tend to over-idealize Which is often A setup for disappointment. I don't handle disappointment well. I have a hard time Letting people and things Be as they are. When I don't understand, When I don't feel in control, I put massive energy Into trying to hold things In my idealized shape of them. When it all springs back To how it really is I feel intense Disappointment and exhaustion. I say, "I feel bad." "I feel depressed." "I don't want to do anything." Then I need to rest -- To remember: Things are as they are And I've tired myself out Failing to make them otherwise. It's not all clean and simple, But Actually, Truthfully, I do have some understanding here. I do have some control here. It's time to look for something That I can enjoy Exactly as it is Now. |
22 July 2002 | |
by Bill Cattey |